- Wi-Fi Servicing
- Wi-Fi Planning and design expectation document
- WFPD- Wi-Fi Plan/ design
Mboneni Wi-Fi Planner simulates Access Points as well as antenna and building characteristics to predict the number of Access Points needed, and their respective locations before an actual Wi-Fi deployment. This report provides real time Access Point signal coverage for the floor plan and recommends the number of Access Points needed and their locations on a floor plan (marked by numbers in red).
Before we can conduct a design for your building please provide us with the following
• A map of the building you want us to plan or design Wi-Fi
• A contact person in your company who has access to the areas we plan to map
The following will be included in this planner report.
• Planner Report
• Planner AP List
• Planner AP Location Map
• Planner Signal Coverage (Heat Map)
• PHY Data Rate Coverage
• Throughput
• 802.11n Highest MCS Index
This report also provides detailed information for the Access Points being deployed:
• Name/ MAC address of the Access Point.
• Channel/SSID allocated.
• Planned location co ordinates for the Access Point.
• Height of the Access Point/antenna above floor level.
• Type of the antenna and its specifications.
Below is a sample report.
Samco Wi-Fi Plan
Prepared for:Samco
Prepared by:Mboneni
Location:Samco First Floor
Time of Survey:Thursday, June .34, 2016 3:37:06 PM
Table of Contents
1.Planner Report
2.Planner AP List
3.Planner AP Location Map
4.Planner Signal Coverage
5.PHY Data Rate Coverage
7.802.11n Highest MCS Index
Planner Report
Mboneni Wi-Fi Planner simulates Access Points as well as antenna and building characteristics to predict the number of Access Points needed and their respective locations before an actual Wi-Fi deployment.
This report provides real time Access Point signal coverage for the floor plan, and recommends the number of Access Points needed and their locations on a floor plan (marked by numbers in red).
This report also provides detailed information for the Access Points being deployed:
• Name/ MAC address of the Access Point.
• Channel/SSID allocated.
• Planned location co ordinates for the Access Point.
• Height of the Access Point/antenna above floor level.
• Type of the antenna and its specifications.
Planner AP List
The table below lists the properties for each AP placed on the plan, including its name, location (as obtained from the grid on the floor plan/map fed to the planner), MAC address, SSID, height, antenna type and angle of orientation, channel, and power.
Note that some APs may have two listings: the first represents the AP’s 802.11a antenna, and the second
802.11b/g. Since these two mediums may have different antenna types and properties, they are separated in the table. This list can be used as a ‘shopping list’ or ‘bill of materials list’ for the wireless equipment to be purchased.
AP Name Location: MAC SSID Height
1AP 1(BGN)2 B00:0D:C8:00:00:02Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 2.4GHz 4.0dBi AChannel:(1,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
AP 1(AN)2 B00:0D:C8:00:00:03Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 5GHz 6.0dBi AChannel:(56,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
2AP 2(BGN)5 B00:0D:C8:00:00:04Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 2.4GHz 4.0dBi AChannel:(11, 1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
AP 2(AN)5 B00:0D:C8:00:00:05Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 5GHz 6.0dBi AChannel:(36,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
3AP 3(BGN)7 B00:0D:C8:00:00:06Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 2.4GHz 4.0dBi AChannel:(6,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
AP 3(AN)7 B00:0D:C8:00:00:07Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 5GHz 6.0dBi AChannel:(44,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
4AP 4(BGN)8 D00:0D:C8:00:00:08Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 2.4GHz 4.0dBi AChannel:6Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
AP 4(AN)8 D00:0D:C8:00:00:09Unknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 5GHz 6.0dBi AChannel:(36,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
5AP 5(BGN)8 F00:0D:C8:00:00:0AUnknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 2.4GHz 4.0dBi AChannel:11Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
AP 5(AN)8 F00:0D:C8:00:00:0BUnknown SSID 3
Antenna:Aruba AP 205 5GHz 6.0dBi AChannel:(44,1)Angle: 0Power:100 mWatts
Planner AP Location Map
The image below displays the site map with a grid overlay to provide a means of describing each AP’s location (for example, an AP placed in the top left corner of the grid will be described by location “1 A”).
The APs are numbered in the sequence that they were placed on the plan; these numbers correspond to the APs listed in the AP List
Planner Signal Coverage
The image below displays the signal coverage (in dBm) at each point in the map layout. Refer to the legend below the map for the dBm values corresponding to each color region. As a general rule, regions with signal strengths below 67 dBm provide insufficient coverage for standard use (this value may vary depending on user requirements, service level agreements, applications used, number of users serviced, etc.).APs are displayed in their planned locations and reflect the specified power and antenna properties. Note that an active Wi-Fi area can incorporate a variety of environmental factors that can vary throughout the day and may adversely affect projected RF coverage.
PHY Data Rate Coverage
The image below displays the Predictive PHY Data Rate (in dBm) at each point in the map layout.
Refer to the legend below the map for the dBm value of the signal corresponding to each color region.
Although a higher speed is invariably better for any deployment, implementations designed for VoFi operations should pay particular attention to ensuring a favorable data rate, as low rates can have a far greater affect in terms of jitter, voice delay, and call quality than they would for a standard data deployment.
The image below displays the expected Throughput (in Mbps) calculated based on the site’s layout.
Refer to the legend below the map for the value in Mbps that corresponds to each color region. Although a higher throughput level is invariably better for any deployment, implementations designed for VoFi operations should pay particular attention to ensuring a favorable throughput level, as lower levels can have a far greater affect in terms of jitter, voice delay, and call quality than they would for a standard data deployment.
802.11n Highest MCS Index
The image below displays the Highest MCS Index values used by the APs in the site plan. Refer to the legend below the map for the color that corresponds to each value (ranging from 0 to 32). Higher values of MCS generally correspond to higher data transmit speeds.